Deine Vorteile, wenn du mit Brainwave3D meditierst:

Stress reduction & relaxation

Our technology promotes stress reduction and leads to deep relaxation. Experience peace and serenity. Our frequencies increase well-being, creativity and energy. Regular use improves your inner balance.

Improved sleep

Our frequencies promote restful sleep, more intense dreams and deeper relaxation. With Brainwave3D you experience pure relaxation that improves the quality of your sleep. They help you to fall asleep more easily and wake up refreshed.

Reduce anxiety

Many people know the feeling of being overwhelmed by fears. With our meditations and frequencies, you will learn to overcome your fears and find inner peace. Let go of stressful feelings and go through the day with more serenity.

Mindfulness & Balance

How often do you find your thoughts wandering? Increased mindfulness helps you to live more consciously in the here and now. Our meditations help you to perceive things more clearly and improve your mental clarity.

Strengthen self-confidence

Imagine going through the day with your head held high, feeling new confidence and tackling challenges. Our app boosts your self-esteem. With each meditation, you become more confident, braver and less influenced by negative thoughts. Discover your full potential.

Increased motivation

Do you know the feeling of waking up in the morning full of energy? With our app, you can experience this feeling regularly. Our frequencies boost your drive and help you to pursue your goals. Experience how motivation can help you realise your full potential.

Schnelleres Lernen

EEG studies show that fast learners have a special theta frequency in their brain. Our theta frequencies help you to adjust your brain so that you can absorb information faster. Optimise your learning with our app.

Improved intuition

Studies show that meditation with frequencies calms the mind so much that you hardly think at all. This promotes the connection to the subconscious and intuition. With Brainwave3D, you listen more to your inner voice and make clear decisions.

Strengthening the immune system

Regular meditation and frequencies strengthen your immune system. Studies show that meditation reduces stress, which relieves your immune system. We offer you frequencies that support your immune system. Many users report better health.

Improved concentration

Use Brainwave3D frequencies to drastically increase concentration. These optimise brain activity so that you are more focused and attentive. You will absorb information faster and process it better. Achieve your goals more efficiently.

Deeper states of meditation

Our app is ideal for anyone who meditates and only sees black in front of their eyes or expects more from meditation. We deepen meditation states and guide you into deeper contemplation. As an app user, you receive the book 'Deep Meditation' free of charge.

Better manifestation

We have been working with consciousness for years and have gained many insights into reality construction and manifestation. As a result, we have developed programs that help you to manifest your wishes, dreams and goals.

Enhanced creativity

By using our alpha, theta, delta and epsilon frequencies, you will reach deeper states of consciousness and improve your creativity. Studies such as those conducted by Harvard University show that these frequencies promote creative thinking.

Dissolving inner blockages

Many people experienced traumas in childhood that led to unconscious patterns. Through special meditations and deep trance states, you can recognize and dissolve these blockages. This experience helps you to heal old wounds and lead a more fulfilling life.

Expansion of consciousness

Our work aims to enable you to experience expanded states of consciousness. With Brainwave3D you will experience out-of-body experiences, lucid dreams and soul travel. Our frequencies stimulate your body's own DMT. Discover new dimensions of consciousness.

Emotional balance

How often do we get up in the morning and feel funny or react emotionally? This is often because we are trapped in our minds. People who meditate find emotional balance. With our frequencies, you learn to regulate your emotions and reduce stress.

Better social relationships

Meditation and special programs calm your mind. This inner calm enables you to listen better and improve your communication. Meditation helps you to be more patient. You will notice how your social interactions improve and you build stronger bonds.

Ultimate dream memory

Alpha frequencies improve your dream recall. Regular listening ensures that you remember your dreams better and perceive the visual effects more strongly. Our app offers you meditations, hypnosis and frequencies to strengthen your subconscious.

Experience astral travel

Marko C. Lorenz, a leading expert on astral travel, has been researching out-of-body experiences for years with the IAC World Institute. He has developed innovative technologies and programs that are available in the app. Experience the possibilities and discover new dimensions.

Lucid dreaming

Our frequencies are designed to evoke expanded consciousness perceptions such as lucid dreaming. If you like to be conscious at night, you will find suitable programs here. Experience more intense dreams and improve your nocturnal perception.

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