Who we are

Our story began in 2007 when Marko C. Lorenz, a visionary entrepreneur and experienced data forensics expert, brought his passion for technology and innovation to the founding of Brainwave 3D. Previously, Marko was Managing Director of the international data forensics company GN Data Recovery Group GmbH, which now has over 100 locations worldwide. There he specialized in the complex and fascinating world of data forensics.

A decisive turning point came in 2010 when Marko read a book and discovered an extraordinary 10-minute meditation technique. After trying this technique, he had an experience beyond his imagination. He realized that meditation is more than we all think. In just 10 minutes, he felt more energized than after a full night's sleep. His concentration doubled, his creativity exploded and he experienced a deep sense of inner balance and peace.

Overwhelmed by this extraordinary experience and driven by his deep forensic research urge, Marko founded the Brainwave Entertainment Research Institute. This consciousness research laboratory was equipped with all the equipment available worldwide for researching consciousness. There, Marko devoted himself intensively to researching and experimenting with meditation and frequencies.

By 2016, Marko had read over 4.000 books on consciousness, developing highly effective technologies and techniques to induce expanded states of consciousness. His goal was to make the true benefits of meditation available to everyone as quickly as possible. In doing so, he realized that frequencies are a wonderful tool to achieve these goals faster.

The musical journey of consciousness

During this phase of his life, Marko expanded a recording studio with a clear focus on combining frequencies, meditation and hypnosis with a wonderful soundscape and captivating stories. He delved deep into the world of music creation, discovering new forms and techniques that allowed him to develop a distinctive musical style. His aim was not just to produce music, but to create soundscapes that would become a kind of journey, an adventure for the listener. This innovative approach to music production became a central aspect of his work. It was an exciting challenge to blur the boundaries between music and meditation, creating sounds that are both soothing and awakening.

Innovation and deepening

To further deepen his understanding of the human psyche and mind, Marko trained as a certified hypnosis trainer and completed many other advanced training courses. This newly acquired knowledge gave him a deeper understanding of the human mind and the effect of words on the subconscious. This led to a drastic improvement in all the meditations and hypnoses that he subsequently developed.

Improvement of the 8D audio technology

To do justice to his work and the name Brainwave 3D, Marko decided to take his musical creativity to the next level. He began using a technology originally developed for the VR gaming industry. This software allows him to create music in a multi-dimensional space. This innovative approach opened up completely new possibilities to drastically enhance the effect of meditation and frequencies and immerse the listener even deeper into the story.

Realism and immersion

In a constant effort to offer his customers the best possible quality, Marko decided to go one step further and integrate realism into the music. This led to an innovative approach in the production of his meditations. When designing a meditation to take place in a natural setting with a stream, for example, he would use Google Maps to find the ideal location for this scenery. Once he had located the perfect spot, he would make his way there with his 8D Audio Ambisonics microphones.

Marko walked the route along the stream and recorded the natural sounds. He then incorporated these authentic sounds into his meditations, giving listeners the feeling of being there and experiencing the scenery live. This method not only increased immersion, but also enhanced the effect of the frequencies in the meditations.

The aim was to create as realistic and immersive an experience as possible to take listeners on a deeper, almost physical journey through their meditation. This approach allows listeners to completely drop into the meditation and have a more intense and impactful experience.

The creation of the Brainwave3D meditation app

The next logical step in his journey was to make his work accessible to an even wider audience. With this vision, Marko decided to develop an extraordinary meditation app. The creation of the Brainwave 3D app was an ambitious project that required a lot of time, resources and dedication. His goal was to create a platform where users could access a variety of meditations, hypnosis and frequencies specifically designed to promote consciousness expansion and profound personal change.

The Brainwave 3D app is not only a product of his years of research and experience, but also a testament to his commitment to making consciousness accessible to everyone.

The emergence of the great mystery

Through his abilities and the technology he had developed, Marko experienced extraordinary states of consciousness. He shared his experiences on YouTube, and within a short time his channel reached over 200,000 subscribers. He became known as the YouTuber with the most spiritual experiences.

Inspired by this success, Marko decided to condense his experiences into a book. This resulted in “The Great Mystery”, which made it onto the SPIEGEL bestseller list. His aim was to create something that would enable people to think outside the box and give them more access to their true selves. The book is currently only available in German.

What's next?

The development of further and better technologies, the improvement of soundscapes and the creation of unique music are at the forefront of our work. Together we can learn, grow and evolve. It's a journey full of lessons and insights, and we look forward to seeing where this path will take us.

At the same time, we would like to invite you to be a part of this story. Subscribe to our app, become part of our community and contribute to creating a paradise of conscious people on our beautiful planet.

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